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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The ipad Newspaper Vs. Print Media

Three updates in one day? This deals with what I believe just another nail in the coffin of print journalism. The ipad is going to be host for an exclusive and experimental newspapers called "The Daly". While a digital newspaper isn't new anymore, this one is designed to be used with the ipad interface in mind. Streaming videos, and 360 degree photo's, will accompany the articles. The magazine will be pretty cheap, only 14 cents per issue, because the paper will really have no major expenses such as printing and delivery. I'm pretty excited about this, I think we'll be witnessing the final death knells of large newspaper printing within the next 5 years. My local newspaper, The Star Ledger, has been getting smaller and smaller throughout the years. So what do you guys think? Will online journalism, be as prevalent and accepted as the formidable printed journals? I had the pleasure of going to New York City, early one morning, a few weeks ago, and A lot of people on the train, seem to be making use of ipads, on their morning commute rather than reading the 'ol grey and black newsprint.


  1. It will be interesting to see this development in the ipad.

  2. I wonder if Android is going to get their own paper as well then.

  3. its definitely affect traditional newspaper readership numbers, will be interesting if it can completly replace it. Interesting read thanks
    follow and supporting

  4. I would love to see a nice quality news paper in my Ipad, however I do enjoy reading the normal news paper, and i think that is why it will take forever for the newspaper to be put out of production. So many people enjoy the actual newspaper, it is more of a tangible object, and people would have a hard time losing that.

  5. Depending on how many subscriptions you have, the ipad could end up paying for itself if more magazines/papers are easily available for relatively cheap on it.

  6. It'll be sad when newspapers finally aren't around anymore.

  7. Oh snap, is this true?!? Going to look into this.

  8. i like newspapers, i don't think they will just vanish from earth as other ppl like it too, there will always be ppl supporting the paper

  9. i already checked it out on my ipad. nothing new, nothing special...

  10. nice post and nice blog mate...check mine as well.

  11. seriously what is so good with this iPad. There are so many good devices that can do the same but I guess you can't mess with the big companies.
    Good job with your blog btw.

  12. I've never been a newspaper reader, I've never quite liked the feel of it, but I enjoy reading magazines and books in print form. But eventually that's all going to be dead soon. I'm surprised the newspaper isn't already.

  13. I myself just enjoying the feel of papers, not a screen.

  14. I don't think it'll be anytime soon before you stop seeing newspaper, but it'll probably definitely happen far in the future.

    following and supporting,

  15. As long as there exists poverty, we'll have paper media.

  16. Yep.. Just another step further in the digital era. I will miss it though. I miss books already, and e-books haven't even been around for too long.

    *sigh* :/

  17. its a bit sad that we are getting rid of such an old tradition! oh well we are lucky to be alive at a time like this to see the changing of such an iconic technology!! Following and supporting daily!

  18. I think back in the heyday of print journalism you needed to have quite an expensive education to be taken seriously or hired by the New York Times for example, but with the internets you could have a 3rd grade education as long as you have the respect and admiration of your readership and followers you can still make an impact.

  19. I think it'll take a while before it happens, but it probably is inevitable :-/

  20. It wont happen until non-apple (read: cheaper) tablets are more plentiful.

  21. I hope to happen because it will be very good to give a kick to all these political-manipulated magazines

  22. newspaper good night sweet prince...

  23. Dude you post some real interesting stuff. Glad I took the time to read it all.

  24. Newspapers won't die, 'cause many people can't afford buying ipad ;)

  25. I still enjoy reading the daily newspaper. But if I had the IPad I think that would change.

  26. ahh i hate the ipad, hipster paper replacement IMO. Newspapers are definitely dying, but I don't think it's because of the ipad. interesting read though

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