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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bejing Citizens Being Tracked Through Their Cell Phones

I'm not sure how accurate this is, but according to a few reports the citizens of Beijing, China can now be tracked by government officials, as to where they are. Even most mundane cell phones have some sort of GPS technology installed in them, and this is giving China, an incentive to use this advantage. Now, the director of their science and technology commission, stated that this move is to ease up congested road ways, and streets. He claims that know where people are gathered and congested, can help route traffic, to other areas. Now we all know China is pretty populated, no surprise there about the heavy traffic.. but tracking on cell phones? The matter just sounds sketchy to me. What others have suggested, and I agree with this, is that this initiative lets Government officials see where large masses of people are gathering and given the social unrest over the last two months in Africa, it probably has the upper echelons worried about the fire spreading. So this whole program can keep a big brother style eye over the herd and especially because of the reports that the social unrest in Egypt began over Facebook. This would allow anyone sending any messages inciting unrest, to be found and punished quickly and accurately. While I doubt the US government would never pull such a brash, and clumsy maneuver, you think something like this is possible? Even without our knowledge? Lets hear from you guys.


  1. in times like this, pirates and hackers will be the only free ones.

  2. More cute 1984-like talk. I don't think its a big problem, yet.

  3. They might also be paranoid, but you never know what will happen.

  4. They could do it to anyone at any time ;]

  5. Definitely possible, and I would be surprised if this hasn't been going on for a lot longer than just now.

  6. I don't doubt they are doing this. China is all about trying to controle their citizens. They have already censored their internet, so that any information that makes them look bad won't be known, like tiananmen square.

  7. sooner or later this is happening. that's every goverment's prime objective: control their people

  8. Already knew about it, but thanks for more info.

  9. Surely there's a better way to regulate traffic. i.e., building more roads, increasing the road tax to favour public transport, increasing the petrol tax for the same reason, etc.

  10. so sick the government can do that

  11. and people dont think that is happening here.(called facebook ,4square etc.) I only turn on my gps when i need it.

  12. oh wow, thats kinda shocking. gps should always turned off.

  13. The Chinese government is crazy...

  14. Yeah, thats not scary at all. Thanks for warning us of the coming apocalypse.

  15. Reminds me of the story where a school was spying on kids w/ their laptops.
