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Sunday, March 27, 2011

FireFox 4

Like an expectant mother, I've secretly awaited the new Firefox edition to come out. Now that its released, and for the masses, I gotta say... that's slick! The address bar isn't so jumbled with other crap, and its pretty clean cut. Nice big buttons, with rounded corners, everything looks very clean. Very "Apple" in terms of looks. Minimalistic. With its new release, there's a ton of add on's, and apps you can download. Remember the days of Internet Explorer 3, where customizing your browser meant choosing to clear your browser history when you closed it? No more, I've said it before, its all about apps now. You can search and find nearly any app and theme you'd want. So in honor of Firefox's newest product, I present to you my favorite and recommended Add-on's.

Awesome Screenshot - This add on is leagues above your computers stock "Prt sc" capture. You can add annotations, marks, crop, and add text to your captured screen pic.

FlagFox- This is more of a personal like for me, but this add-on gives you the flag of origin of the server that your accessing. So if your visiting say..piratebay, you get the German flag, etc... Its not going to really assist you but its cool to see where your favorite sites are located.

Wholinks2me - This is an add-on that will help with bloggers, so you guys may want to try this. It gives you the domains of everyone who links something to your page. On the Drop down menu when you right click, it there's an option to view how many clicks, where the link was and I believe when it was posted.

Browser Server - This is a pretty wicked app. It allows you to turn your computer into a mini server, allowing people to access files from your comp. Just be sure to loosen up the reigns on your router. I may actually take advantage of this, if I ever start my own site, away from the blogger servers.

Wappalyzer - I happen to love this one... And just so you know.. most of the apps I'm including here on more for personal knowledge lol.. This one too, is really informative though...if your a comp sci major.. It lets you find out what technologies, and scripting languages that the website your viewing is using!

Limepic - I don't know if this app is using your computer to host it, or is some cloud software, but yea you can use this to host different pictures. This is awesome if you post a lot on message boards or forums etc..

Showmyip - I know there are a lot of websites you can visit to find out your ip address but hey, what the hell, having an app for that knowledge is handy!

Brower Turn Editor- I haven't used this, but I can imagine its pretty fun! You can edit web pages and let your creative inner beast free! Feel google's page needs more pizazz? Make it happen, according to the description you can save the changes to a pic document, but obviously the changes won't hold once you reload! If anyone has tried this, let me know about it

Adblock plus- Probably the most useful and most needed is Adblock plus. Seriously, if you download any of the addon's, get this one, your streaming movies will thank you. We've all been there, watching a really good movie online, and right when the action picks up, a commercial rears is ugly head, to rub itself in your face. Adblock gets rid of those annoy timed ad's and lets you stream non stop.

Well thats it for now, as I explore Firefox 4 more, I'll look into posting others up. And if you guys have any to recommend feel free in the comments. I'll leave you with this, its a command list for all hot keys, and shortcuts in Firefox. Enjoy!


  1. It is slick and minimalist. I love how it looks. its another chrome isnt it?

  2. I still gotta try it out, can't wait though :D

  3. Meh, I'm sitll gonna stick to chrome

  4. I completely agree with Every Day. I love the new firefox look (even though it is similar to chrome)

    I have it installed and I'm slowly getting used to it.



  5. well I tried it .. have to say it's fast and works pretty good

  6. i loved adblock till i had a blog with ads now its the enemy.

  7. I've been waiting for FF4 for so long... But I still need to do a clean install of my OS (been putting it off for so long now... ¬_¬) so as motivation, I might just not permit myself to install FF4 til I'm running a shiny new OS.

  8. That's exactly why I'm still using FF, lots of extensions.

  9. I'm loving it so far, I have everything optimized on my laptop., messing around with about:config. I'll have to check out Wholinks2me though.

    Apps I recommend are: Omnibar, Better Gmail (if you are using gmail), HTTPS Everywhere, and Stylish (I changed that ugly orange firefox tab/button for the logo)

  10. This is why firefox is awesome, i cant believe how long i was using internet explorer before i switched, good post!

  11. I'm sorry, but chrome STILL beats firefox, firefox is a close second though.

  12. Mozilla provided a separate interface for entering your proxy settings. But just like
    safari chrome takes the proxy settings from windows

  13. Man I really need to overcome my laziness and install this update :D looks like FF4 has some nice features.

  14. I use comodo dragon. far more secure!

  15. i switched to chrome few months ago, but i give ff4 another try

  16. google search about:config hacks

    all about how to make the most out of your ff

  17. Hm I also switched to Chrome. Perhaps I should return?

  18. I have been using beta version for a while, it's awesome!

    I didn't know they released the official version! I will have to update before I log off tonight.

  19. thanks for the info. i don't really keep up with this stuff but i use firefox so i will have to get this.

  20. I love it so far, like you said, very sleek and minimalistic.

  21. whoa, didnt know this was out, reminds me of chrome, trying this out for sure

  22. Ah so that's why it looked different. I downloaded it a few days ago but I noticed the lay-out changed. Now I understand why.

  23. I'm stuck on Chrome, I don't think I could go back.

  24. I have Google Chrome and I love it :)

  25. I'm just too obsessed with Chrome, like it seems like everyone else is, keep up the work!

  26. Fine all you firefox haters can keep your lame chrome! lol

  27. firefox is the only way to go for me, loving the new feature sets :D

  28. Thanks for the app recommendations! I'll get some of those.

  29. adblock plus should just be built into firefox. would make life so much easier. also, chome can suck it!

  30. still not sure if i like or hate. but will keep it for a while longer

  31. I like FF4. No surprised there. But I had to tweak it a bit. There was still some things I didn't like. Like the position of the reload button.

  32. Cheat sheet is really cool - I really appriciate that

  33. might have to give the ole fox another try

  34. Love the new firefox. Using it right now.

  35. downloading adn saving that cheat sheet

  36. mozilla ftw, everything else pales in comparison

  37. Firefox really is one of the best if not the best...
    Its a shame IE9 was released, and had Microsoft praising its performance only to be slapped back down once again a few days later lol.

  38. Nice post, cheat sheet is useful, thanks+followin'

  39. I'm gonna start trying Firefox on my work laptop, not ready to leave chrome yet

  40. I keep getting all this fucking HTML flashing up in the bottom left corner.

  41. Thanks, will try it out tonight.

  42. I have to admit, im also in love with FF4! Its so clean, and im glad that it takes less surface area

  43. I'm trying, but I'm so used to chrome!!! Great post.

  44. i uninstalled it. i couldnt use any of the nice themes im used to coz there not ported yet and it was too minimal. too fidley and small for me. i like my buttons nice size and BLACK!
    nasa night launch and firefox 3 is the SHIT!!!!

  45. I just got it its so much better than 3.6

  46. Great post, thanks!! I'll try it.

