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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pay Phones and The Hunt For The Perfect Dial Tone

It's not unusual to have the humble pay phone mentioned on this blog, as it stands for one of the earliest methods of telecommunication to the average person. The pay phone while a dying breed are still fun to poke into, play with, try to find. At least here in Jersey, New York is still pretty rife with payphones, at least Manhattan. Well, as you know, Pay Phones are located all over the place, and the remaining survivors may have some fun outcomes if called. And there's nothing more mysterious than a ringing pay phone! I'm not saying go and call these numbers and annoying passer bys, but there's nothing wrong with a little phone line exploration.
With that said... have some pay phone numbers. I live in NJ, so all these are numbers from my home turf. If you guys like this, perhaps I'll post more pay phone digits in an area near you.

(201) 342 - 9624
3rd Floor Payphone at a the Academy of Technology, in Hackensack, NJ. It's located in the Freshmen dorms, so you may get some interesting conversations.

(609) 730 8792
A Telephone located outside a Mobil Gas Station, a sort of 'phone from your car" setup.

(908) 289 - 9767
This is one of my favorites, this is a payphone in a psychiatric ward for the patients to use.. McMurphy, Harding, and Martini could answer...

(973) 242 9821
A payphone located in a very sheek and classic looking pay phone booth. More importantly its located Newark, Nj's frat house of Kappa Xi Kappa.

(732) 246 9030
Outside of a computer lab at Rutgers University]

(908) 232 - 9864

This one is right outside the Verizon Central Office in Westfield, call
this phone tomorrow around 5pm and I may just pick up to answer! The central office 
is where your phone calls, are routed to, before being switched to their different
Hope you enjoyed this mini tour and hope you have fun with some of these dialings. 

Don't be obnoxious and annoy people, just call, and explore.

A big PS here guys.  1800- 801- 920 it will actually give you the number your calling from. A great and easy way to find out payphone numbers! Note that this won't work on all payphones, its called a ring back. Most carriers have this, this is the most universal that I've tried and found to work. You can find more online, and many numbers are test numbers which will get you different messages. Fun to play around with! Remember you have dial from a land line phone though.


  1. Whoa, I didn't know there were working pay phones still around.

  2. Great Idea, gonna test it out sometimes.

  3. Stuff like this is exactly what keeps me up at night, its far more interesting than it should be.


  4. Yeah, I still see a couple of them here and there, talk about anachronistic technology. I'd like to find one with a camera pointed at it, since there are huge databases of cameras that you can access from the web.

  5. I think I've only used a payphone like twice in my entire life..... hmm, maybe I should use them more often before they become completely extinct. I have no one to call though.... =[

  6. They still have these around??

  7. I can't recall having seen a pay phone in the past few years. Thanks for the numbers, though. Why not?

  8. This is fantastic. Any of them next to a surveillance cam, so we can see who we're talking to?

  9. pay phones still exist? what the hell

  10. I haven't seen pay phones in a long time!

  11. They still have payphones?

    i guess bums have to shit somewhere...

  12. Sounds like a good way to waste a dull afternoon.

  13. Been awhile since I've used a payphone. Years even!

  14. pay phones still exist? I legit have not come across one in years.

  15. Have'nt seen a payphone for years.

  16. i can imagine it now "back in my day if we ever had to make a call when we were out, we had to go into a booth the size of a portajohn, where there'd be a phone hanging on the wall"

  17. haha what an awesome idea! :D

  18. i did not think they were around anymore

  19. Lol I have to try that, it might be fun to chat with some total stranger that was just passing by.

  20. i dont think i would pick up a payphone if it ever rings. havent you seen the movies?

  21. This was actually a very interesting post! Following and I'll be back :)

  22. I haven't seen a payphone in a while haha. This is a really funny idea though, thanks man.

  23. you used to be able to get whistles that would hack the phone, no idea how it works lol

  24. Lols, got none around here..wud be fun xD

  25. I usual use payphones for prank calls to free numbers :)

  26. Very interesting, I didn't know about this!

  27. hehe, I pick them up all the time^^

  28. This is going to be doing some calling tonight!

  29. Yeah! Im just reading Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling :P

  30. Payphones are awesome, and there are a few still floating around in my town. I might have to find a few and give the numbers to em for you!
