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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rasputin The Mad Monk part 2..

A political Cartoon depicting Rasputin
    From an early age, Rasputin got the reputation of someone with strange blessed powers. Rumors would spread across his small home town that he could heal malady ridden farm animals or cure sick people with the touch of his hands.

   This quiet reputation followed Grigori in adolescence, so when he left his home and went to St. Petersburg, the rumor's of his gifts went with him. Grigori quickly found work in St. Petersburg, and his commanding and power presence allowed him to rise above the other mere peasants and lower class and he soon found his way to working in the royal palace. Rasputin was a bit of a braggart and his boasting about his healing powers, given from god, caught the ears of one of the guards to Tsar Nicholas. The Tsar's only son was a very sickly and feeble boy. He required constant medical attention, and treatment, even the slightly blow could bed stricken him for days. The guard quickly introducted Rasputin to Tsar Nicholas, and his wife. Upon learning of the heir's plagued body, Rasputin wished to see the child.

Tsar Nicholas...

...and his wife Tsarita Alexandra

   After much debating, they finally allowed Rasputin into the bed chambers of their stricken son. Over night, after Rasputin delved deeply into prayer, the boy was felt fine, and his internal bleeding was abruptly healed.  Over joyed by this, Tsar Nicholos and his wife took Rasputin into the palace. Unfortunately the reason for Rasputin's stay wasn't known to the public. The royal family kept the boy's sickness a closely guarded secret and didn't want anyone knowing about that the heir to the throne could potentially be killed from falling from a stool. People, around the palace and the city began seeing this strange and quite frankly, intense looking figure creeping around the palace, and hang around the Tsar.

Unfortunately Rasputin wasn't subtle or quiet, he would drink heavily, and boast in the streets about his power, and his sexual prowess. The people of the St. Petersburgs would see and hear him reveling in himself and insulting the high level of aristocracy. This doesn't sit well with the people of and even the government. The vultures began to circle as Rasputins power grew. The Tsarista had put so much faith and love into Rasputin, that he walked with unparrelled power. Government official began finding out about Rasputin's affairs, and debauchery with women, drinking and strange sexual acts at night. Instability was shaking Russia and rumors of a wild drunken wizard with mystic powers, spready thoughout the dark city.

The final nail in the coffin was, that Russia entered into open war with Germany, and to say the least it wasn't going well.. Defeat after defeat cause the Russian people to despair. Great misery spread through the land, as money was spilled into the war machine. As an act of desperation, Tsar Nicholas steps up to lead the troops from the front lines himself. He leaves his wife Tsarista Alexadra in charge of the empire. She of course turns to Rasputin to co-rule the country. This proves to be such a fatal error, that it would end up as one of the greatest tragedy's in Russia's history...

Concluded later on..


  1. didn't know Rasputin was an alcoholic lol !

  2. Im surprised Disney even touched this and made a movie involving this guy

  3. Lots of wars between the germans and russians

  4. Rasputin is a pretty cool guy

  5. Interesting.. And I agree with Luther that this doesn't at all sound Disney-ish!

  6. Now that's truelly psychadelic... the graphics of your blog and topics you share with us.

  7. this is such an incredible story

  8. It was a shame that they all came to a bad end.

  9. Not a very subtle 'wizard', now is he?

  10. Haha can't wait for the conclusion :)

  11. I'm pretty sure I watched this on the discovery channel, although most of it slipped by me haha

  12. Well written. will stay tuned.

  13. Very interesting post, thanks for sharing this.

  14. Rasputin's articles are always great.
    BTW, great blog's background :)

  15. Good history lesson! Please post the conclusion soon!

  16. Maybe he was bonking the Tsarista as well.

  17. Hahaha damn didn't know he was an alcoholic, damn, I loved your background man! System Shock ftw.

  18. Very interesting, I want some more.

  19. I wonder what Rasputin used to do at night, his strange sexual behaviours, he's an interesting character actually.

  20. If Rasputin would be alive in these current days, he would be a bad ass! :D

  21. This really is interesting stuff

  22. Of course he was cool guy listen to Rasputin (Turisas remix in my opinion but you can try orginal... if you hadn't heard it till now, which i doubt, everyone knows Boney M)

  23. Cool story. Besides i love Russian historical backgrounds.

  24. Very interesting. thanks for sharing.

  25. this is the most interesting blog there ever was!
