Off Into The Infinite Universe...

Welcome Back My Friends, To The Show That Never Ends...
This is for everyone who has a strange fascination with loopy structures, paradoxes, science, quantum physics, the nature of duality, the internet, cyber culture, philosophy, and any one who has stayed up into the late hours contemplating infinities.If any of you have any contributions for posts, paradoxes, mathematical infinities, or anything that has loopy nature send it to

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Looping, Cyclical Universe

My girlfriend, loves random tee shirts, with cool, hipsterish, designs, and she pointed me to this site called which has art from anyone who wishes to submit it. So you can find a lot of cool, clever artwork here. Upon scanning the different prints I can to these loopy pictures that I really liked. I love the universe one, really metaphoric! Check out the site, they have some good stuff. I'm not much of a tee shirt wearer, but they have really nice stuff. Again, I didn't draw these, all respect to the original artists. What I like about this site though, is if you do find a picture you really like, you can buy a print of it to hang up. Anyway, I haven't posted up any looping and paradoxical structures in a while. So there!


  1. Nice link you have there man. Following.

  2. Random tee's can be pretty fun stuff.

  3. Random tees are a nice change to the constant polos I always see.

  4. i feel like i shouldn't be staring at these for too long

  5. i love threadless! they have sales when the school year approaches.

  6. Threadless is so awesome, bought a few shirts for sure from there.

  7. threadless is a pretty sweet site iv gotten a couple shirts from them.

  8. Man I hate looking at impossible pictures, blows my mind each time haha
